czwartek, 24 maja 2018

How newspaper headlines work

Short Words 
Headlines often use very short words to make an impact, e.g. Thugs battle. A thug is a violent person and a battle is a fight (bandyta, zbir). This headline could also read Some thugs have been fighting, however this does not have the same impact as the short headline above.
Omitted Words (opuszczanie słów - czasowników i przedimków)
Headlines often don't include verbs and articles, for example, More MP resignations over expenses row. If we put this into spoken English then the sentence would read More MPs have resigned over the row about expenses (row - kłótnia, awantura) 
Word Play (gry słowne)
Words with two different meanings in English can be used in an amusing and entertaining way. This is called a pun. For example, Short-staffed? That's fine by Mr. Sarkozy. This headline plays with the word short. Short-staffed means that there are not enough staff to do the job. However, this article refers to the fact that during his visit all the staff he was introduced to were short because he is only 1.7m!
Noun Strings (ciągi rzeczowników)
It is also common to have a row of nouns in a headline.  For example, Prime Minister's traffic headache. This means that the Prime Minister has had some sort of problem with traffic.
Alliteration (aliteracja - zaczynanie słów od tej samej litery/głoski)
Alliteration is when a sound is repeated. It is often used in poetry as well as newspapers. Newspapers use it to attract the eye and make it more memorable.  For example, Media makes Madonna Mad. The 'm' is repeated 4 times.

Ambiguous (dwuznaczność)
Headlines are often ambiguous making the reader look at the article. If we take the above headline the word 'mad' is ambiguous because it could mean insane or it could mean very angry.  
Verb Changes (zmiana form czasownikowych)
The simple tense is used instead of the continuous or perfect tense and the infinitive is used for the future.  For example, Brown resigns. This is used instead of Brown has resigned.
Another example would be PM to visit USA. This is used instead of The Prime Minister's going to visit the USA.

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