poniedziałek, 8 stycznia 2018

Aussie flu

W UK szaleje grypa australijska:

Just FOUR areas of the UK are free from Aussie flu as hospitals close their doors to visitors and churches ban HANDSHAKES to stem the epidemic.

 All big cities have now reported cases of the dangerous new H3N2 strain of Influenza A. 
The 'sign of peace' handshake has even been banned across churches in Northern Ireland. 
A statement form the office of Bishop Noel Treanor said: 'The customary sign of peace handshake exchanged during mass is suspended until the risk of infection is significantly reduced.
The NHS is braced for one of the worst flu seasons in 50 years after a surge in infections in the UK, And fears of fatalities have been growing after the lethal virus claimed its first victims in Ireland. 
Experts fear the virulent flu strain could prove as deadly to humanity as the Hong Kong flu in 1968, which killed one million people.

The Flu map. Red means higher number, blue lower.


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